Episode 134

Published on:

23rd May 2024

Necrophilia: Abuse Of The Dead

"The dead are ever refashioned, for they have no defence against those who would use or abuse them - who they were, what their deeds meant."

"By Necrophilia is meant love for all that is violent and destruction; the desire to kill; the worship of force; attraction to death, to suicide, to sadism; the desire to transform the organic into the inorganic by means of "order." The Necrophile, lacking the necessary qualities to create, in his impotence finds it easy to destroy because for him it serves only one quality: Force."

-Erich Fromm (Credo 1965)

Grace does an expose' on abuse of a corpse -"Corpse love." A deviant sexual practice involving attraction to a corpse, defined as 'necrophilism' or 'necrolagnia.' A necrophiliac is a person who derives sexual pleasure from having sex with a dead body. It usually arises, from an intense fear of interacting. Corpses cannot reject, manipulate, disagree. A necrophagist is someone who derives sexual pleasure from eating dead bodies or certain parts of them. The Greek historian Herodotus, (c. 484-425 BC)wrote of how the ancient Egyptians safeguarded the deceased from the practice of necrophilia (The Histories, Penguin Books, 1972, p.161). At least one Greek mythology contain hints of necrophilia perpetrated by Achilles. In that 2nd century account, a fellow soldier says, Achilles "fell in love with the Amazon, Penthesilia, after her death" as he stood over her corpse (Apollodorus, Library Epitome, trans. by Frazer, J., book E, ch.5, ss 1). The Bible contains principles that clearly marks it as 'a sin.' The Mosaic law specified that touching a dead body made a person unclean ( Numbers 19: 11-16).

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About the Podcast

Rising Above Shadows Of Abuse
Society & Culture/Abuse
Rising Above Shadows Of Abuse Show with Grace Ovba, is about the topical issues of abuse prevalent in our society and culture. The impact on lives and possible reformation strategies. The show portrays real life stories of exceptional valiant women, who suffered pain, shame, trauma and guilt. Some of these individuals, used the tools of healing, forgiveness and compassion to serve as a positive propellant to actualising their dreams and breaking barriers in their various fields of human endeavours.
Each episode showcases case studies, stories, inspirational talks; involving interviews, conversations, solo/panel sessions with survivors, everyday people, professionals, charities, thought leaders and notable guests(Celebrities)
"Abuse changes your life... Fight back and change the life of your abusers by breaking your silence on abuse" - Patty Rase Hopson
''So many people suffer abuse and suffer alone'' -Pamela Stephenson
''To those who abuse: The sin is yours, the crime is yours and the shame is yours. To those who protect the perpetrators: blaming the victim only masks the evil within, making you as guilty as those who abuse. Stand up for the innocent or go down with the rest.'' - Flora Jessop
#I take back my power
#Voice for the Voiceless
#Mental health
Grace is a survivor of Domestic Violence, who is passionate about using her experiences to pave the way for other victims who are stuck in any form of abusive situations. She is a transformational coach, mentor, author, inspirational speaker and mother. She has a background in education, law and psychotherapy. She's on a mission to bring healing and wholeness to bruised and broken women.
Registered member of BACP (British Association For Counselling and Psychotherapy)
Registered member of Law Society UK
Connect via email: risingaboveshadowsofabuse@gmail.com
Social media platforms: twitter @risinaboveabuse
YouTube @risingaboveshadowsofabuse
Patreon @risingaboveshadowsofabuse.com
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Grace Ovba

Grace is a Survivor of Domestic Violence, who is passionate about using her own experiences to pave the way for other abusive victims who are stuck in any form of abusive situations. She is a mentor, transformational coach, author, inspirational speaker and mother. She has a background in education, law and psychotherapy. She is on a mission to bring healing and wholeness to broken and bruised women. She is an accredited member of the British Association For Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and the Law society United Kingdom.